Forster Women’s Well-being Workshop

Yoga Mantra and Wellness Centre Forster yoga instructor Julia

for midlife and beyond…

CALL: 0428 725 352 for next workshop details
COST:  $55




A workshop to explore ways that Yoga May assist women during peri menopause and menopause.
Popular thought is shifting. Women are stepping into peri -menopause with a different view of what this means. It is not about losing your strentth, drying up and fading into abscruity.
This is a time to establish practices that support and nurture you physically, emotionally and spriritullay.
An opportunity to review, refine and step into your wisdom.
If this is something that you resonate with and relate to, this workshop; Women’s Well-being for midlife and Beyond is for you.



Call 0428 725 352 for details



Yoga Mantra & Wellness Centre
1 Trades Court, Kularoo Drive, Forster



  • Book through the  Mindbody App.
  • Call Nadine 0428 725 352 or Justine 0432 402 224.
  • Or email if you have any further questions or to discuss booking into this amazing workshop. * Limited spaces, be quick!