Creative Conversations with Linda Dade

A coming together of likeminded souls to share wisdom…

Wednesday 17 February (monthly)
7pm – 8:30pm
$10 per person – CLICK HERE to join, or register through Mindbody.

The wisdom of age, of life, of experience.

Our monthly ‘Creative Conversations’ is all about bringing together those in our community who wish to learn more; know more, share, listen, explore, and expand their consciousness in a joyful and all-inclusive way.

Our thought is to flow with a topic, a book we have loved or a story that has helped us navigate our ups and downs in this life, walking on this planet. Perhaps a podcast or movie made us sit up and take notice and changed our trajectory and we would like to share this information.

Every month we will choose a topic/book/idea/question to ponder on, discuss, pull apart, engage with. There will be no expectations of joining in or sharing your information unless that is what you desire.

Our lovely Linda Dade will facilitate each month. Linda is a chiropractor and a kinesiologist and has been a wisdom searcher for many years. Her big life has certainly been full of ups and downs and her life experience and knowledge is vast. Her dharma is to teach, share, nurture and support others to know, to remember their own wisdom.

  • It is not a book club where you will be challenged to read a book and then discuss, although you may choose to do so 😊
  • It is not a gin (sip) club where you bring a gin to critique however there may be occasion when we bring gin to drink! (there is a story here and I am sure Linda will share that with you at some stage)
  • The only rule is that there are no rules!

Though, being gorgeous yogis and friends we will become familiar with The 4 Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz) and choose to live with their guidance. Once you sign up, register or show interest that you wish to come, Linda will advise the writing, book or piece the month is working with.



We are excited to start our ‘Wisdom Talk’ here at Yoga Mantra on Wednesday 17th February.



7pm – 8.30pm



Yoga Mantra and Wellness Centre, 1 Trades Court on Kularoo Drive. Forster.



$10 per person